Friday, October 30, 2009

改编自coursemate 的一个status update:

“不要追求外表,他会骗人;不要追求财富,它会消失。 追求一个能经常让你微笑的人吧,因为微笑会让你灰暗的世界豁然开朗,阳光明媚。
(Lin, 2009)

" 不要追求外表,他会骗人;不要追求财富。。。这怎么可能。追求一个能经常让你刷卡刷到爆的人吧,因为财富会让你灰暗的世界豁然开朗,阳光明媚。" ( Locke, 2009)

Taken from a status update from a course mate:

Original text: " Do not pursue appearance because it can lie; Do not pursue wealth because it will vanish. Pursue after someone who will always make you smile, as his smile will brighten up your world of gray, where the ray of sun could truly shine." (Lin, 2009).

But it's better to be practical:

" Do not pursue appearance because it can lie; Do not pursue wealth...that's impossible. Pursue after someone who can offer you to brush credit card until it ke-de-pa-boom, as wealth will brighten up your world of gray, where the ray of sun could truly shine." (Locke, 2009).



  1. gosh i can't stop laughing...definitely made my day..

  2. i like from locke,2009 tat one!!!have money have everthing!!haha!!
